Blind to Your Team’s Potential: Unlocking Potential in One LEAP
Too often, an enormous amount of potential in life science marketing teams goes to waste. Commercial teams pour their efforts into the wrong activities, simply because they don’t know how to approach things differently. Whether it’s missing out on valuable innovation...
Everything’s Digital Thanks to COVID-19: Make Sure You Avoid These Mistakes
Before COVID-19, 45% of people had never shopped online. Surprised? You shouldn’t be. Many businesses and managers had not fully embraced digital transformation pre-COVID
Maintaining An Effective Team As They Start to Work from Home
Well, here we are. Moving to full lockdown where all companies will need to have all staff working from home. For companies that have enabled flexible working the transition will be easier however all team leaders need to be mindful of what adjustments they need to...
How to Leverage Digital-First Thinking
Digital-first thinking is a concept that’s frequently promoted – but poorly understood. The term has been misused and applied cheaply to any solution with a digital component. But far from being a hollow buzz-word, digital-first thinking is a key principle behind...